Senin, 23 Maret 2009

Contribution of Animal Protein And it’s Phenomena in Indonesian People
Presented By : Tita MR (Formulation)

Someone’s intelligence or way of thinking is not merely determined by genetic factor. Until now, many theories explained, besides the genetic, quality of nutritious consumption has a big influence for intelligence level. Supported with good health status and stimulation, genetic factor only affects 20 – 30 % of the other factors.
Intelligence have a correlation with the brain which consist of 1000 billions of neuron (nerve cells). Animal protein has a dominant portion in brain quality because of the Fe content which contribute to improve the concentration of thinking. As we know that Fe is a constituent of Haemoglobin (Hb) which transfered nutrition and Oksigen in our body, include our brain.
Vitamin B12 in animal protein also contribute to transportation capasity of Hb in our body.
Beside of the two components which contribute to the intelligence, the protein quality of animal protein (egg, milk, meat) is good enough better than vegetable protein to support our body growth.

Unfortunately, Indonesia’s people consumtion of animal protein is still low. Based on UNDP Dec 18nd 2008, the rank of Indonesia’s Human Development Index is 109th . HDI is the standard level of nation quality that is published by UNDP. Even when it compared to Thailand (81), Malaysia (63), Singapore (28), and Vietnam (114), Indonesia’s rank is low.

According to FAO database on 2006, the Indonesia people’s animal protein consumption compared to the other country :
Meat Consumption
Country (kg/kapita/yr)
Indonesia 4.5
Malaysia 38.5
Thailand 14
Philipina 8.5
Singapore 28

Egg Consumption
Country (egg/kapita/yr)
Indonesia 67
Thailand 93
China 304

Milk Consumption
Country (kg/kapita/yr)
Indonesia 7
Malaysia 20
USA 100

Let's change our habits....We should eat not only to fulfill our appetite, but we eat to fulfill our body's requirement.....
Complete our daily's diet with egg, meat (fish/white or red meat) and milk everyday.......
Bravo Peternakan Indonesia....
Let we build our nation's intelligence, start from now, from us and our family....
I love you Indonesia's Generations........

Source : Trobos, Juli 2008, Infovet Ed 173, Desember 2008

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